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Optizone polarization maintaining filter coupler, 2000 nm

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Polarization maintaining filter coupler, 2000 nm

470 USD

+ Shipping and import fees, where applicable


Get it Nov 27 - Dec 4

Polarization maintaining filter coupler, PMFC-20-1-10-F-NNN-BBB-3-0.8: wavelength 2000 nm, port 1 x 2, coupling ratio 10/90, fast axis blocked, no connector, fiber jacket on port 1, 2, 3 and 4: 250 µm fiber, fiber type on tap port: PM 1550 fiber, fiber length 0.8 m. Power 0.5 W CW. See enclosed specification and product drawing for further details.

Min. order quantity: 2

Manufacturer: Optizone Technology (Shenzhen) Limited

Part number: PMFC-20-1-10-F-NNN-BBB-3-0.8

Model: PMFC-20-1-10-F-NNN-BBB-3-0.8

Product size : 6 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm

Length of handling process: 42 days

Specification sheet:
» Specification PMFC-20-1-10-F-NNN-BBB-3-0.8.pdf

Shipping package includes: Polarization maintaining filter coupler

Condition: New

Listing type:
Single product(s)
Sale format:
Fixed price
End-use certification needed:
GEHT International Ltd
Shipping from:
Hong Kong, China
Delivery terms:
FOB Shenzhen, China

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