Lasers & Optoelectronics
Robotics & Automation
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40 000 USD
+ Shipping and import fees, where applicable
Get it Mar 28 - Apr 4
Core to core alignment, low splicing loss Endview and Profile observation and alignment Arc automatic calibration and splicing PM fiber 45 and 90 degree alignment Applicable to variety fibers splicing, such as Panda ,bow-tie and elliptical fiber
Min. order quantity: 1
Manufacturer: Shinho fiber communication
Part number:
Model: S-12PM
Product size / unit: 26 cm × 20 cm × 17 cm
Product weight / unit: 7 kg
Length of handling process: 15 days
Specification sheet:
» S-12PM.pdf
Shipping package includes: Fusion splicer/fiber cleaver for 125um cladding fiber/Spare electrodes/Carrying box/AC Adapter/Power/plug/User manual/Strap/Alcohol pump
Condition: New (Factory)