Lasers & Optoelectronics
Robotics & Automation
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24 999 USD
+ Shipping and import fees, where applicable
Get it May 14 - May 21
1kW Laser Module Centered at 915nm +/-10nm. Fiber Coupled into a >4.9m 800um PVC Coated Stainless Steel Armored Fiber Terminated with a LD80 Connector and Red Aiming Beam. 1 Year Warranty Contact for other power levels and configurations (use chat)
Min. order quantity: 1
Manufacturer: SAKAR Technology
Part number: ST-1000-915-800-10-5-LD80-RW1
Model: PowerEngine 1000
Product size / unit: 60 cm × 90 cm × 40 cm
Product weight / unit: 28 kg
Length of handling process: 60 days
Specification sheet:
» ST-1000-915-800-10-5-LD80-RW1.pdf
Condition: New (Factory)