Lasers & Optoelectronics
Robotics & Automation
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50 USD
+ Shipping and import fees, where applicable
Get it Feb 13 - Feb 20
Wavelength 940 nm ± 10 nm, output power 10 W, fiber core diameter/fiber numerical aperture 105 μm/0.22NA fiber. Find optimal MESSTEC Power Converter's laser driver and TEC controller from manufacturer's online shop:
Min. order quantity: 10
Manufacturer: Han's TianCheng Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.
Part number:
Model: M940±10-10-F105-22-R4
Product size : 5 cm × 2 cm × 1 cm
Length of handling process: 5 days
Specification sheet:
» M940±10-10-F105-22-R4 .pdf
Shipping package includes: Diode laser, documentation
Condition: New